As we enter yet another year of economic uncertainty people are looking at more and more ways to save money. When it comes making your money go that little bit further It’s often the simplest of things that can make the biggest difference.
How many of you run the tap while brushing your teeth? Those who do are using an additional 13,000 gallons of water each year. That’s a lot of water and money down the drain. Simply remembering to turn the lights off when they're no longer needed or only boiling the correct amount of water you require when using the kettle can all hep you save more than you may think.
Websites such as Money Saving Expert are an excellent source of money saving advice and cover all manner of things from the best cash ISAs to the cheapest broadband.
At Kingfisher Windows we can also help you save money in 2012 by installing ‘A’ rated, energy efficient uPVC double glazing in your home. Our windows will allow you to reduce heat loss by as much as 25% which can make a considerable reduction to your heating and energy bills.
Not only will our windows help you save money but they’ll enable you to maintain a more regulated temperature all year round. Double glazing works in such a way that it keeps the hot air in during the cold of winter and allows the warmer air to escape during the hotter summer months.
In addition to saving you money and providing your home with more consistent temperatures double glazing delivers superior noise reduction and added levels of security.
The more design conscious among you can select from our stunning range of coloured windows enabling you to add a truly individual finish to your home.
So, what are you waiting for? Save money by reducing your energy bills, increase the security of your property and add a stylish finish to your home this year with Kingfisher Windows. Find out more about our double glazing in Leeds.